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How to find us
From Sydney
Located in the village of Lue – 3 ½ hours north west of Sydney travel north follow sign to Blue Mountains then Lithgow. The turn off for Mudgee is just past Lithgow, travel another hour and make a right hand turn once you have driven thru Ilford, follow the signs to Rylstone then make a left hand turn approx. 5 min out of Rylstone onto the Lue Road – turn right at The Lue Hotel and we are just past the Hotel on your right – Peel Street.
From Newcastle
Take the famous Bylong Valley Way for a 4 hour drive via Denman and Sandy Hollow, turn at Sandy Hollow towards Rylstone as you approach Rylstone turn right at the sign for Mudgee via Lue on the Lue Road, turn right at the Lue Hotel we are just past the Hotel, turn right at Peel Street.